Sunday, March 30, 2014


I watched Cosmos tonight....If the Sun or a Star Blew up...You would see it instantly with EPR...Every photon from the Sun is quantum entangled...Images don't travel....They appear....Radio signals and trying to measure light is "Bad Idea"...The 87 Supernova..???...We saw it as it happened....The Neutrinos that were measured "Were Already There"...The Neutrinos just "Reacted With EPR"..Forget about "Seeing Back In Time"......The Speed Of Light is "NOT A SPEED"..It's an "AGING PROCESS"..Check the other blogs..So "If The Sun Blew Up You Would See It Instantly With EPR And Quantum Entanglement"..So forget about "The 8 Minute Grace Period Of The Sun's Image"...Sorry Neil....Bye.... They showed some woman on a "Motorcycle Traveling The Speed Of Light"..All you need to do is "LOOK BACKWARDS"..And "Motion Does Not Exist"..The "Image Behind You" is "FROZEN IN TIME"......"OR"...... "If The Motorcycle Instantly Started Traveling The Speed Of Light"...."THE IMAGE OF WHERE THE MOTORCYCLE LEFT FROM"...."WOULD REMAIN FROZEN IN THE MOTORCYCLE'S REAR VIEW MIRROR FOR INFINITY"..."OR"...Every photon that "Left The Big Bang".."STILL HAS THE IMAGE OF THE BIG BANG EXPLOSION FROZEN IN IT'S REAR VIEW MIRROR"............................But all "THE IMAGES" I just described.."EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FROZEN IN TIME NOT MOVING".."YOU WILL SEE THEM INSTANTLY AGE WHEN THEIR POINT OF ORIGIN AGES".."OR"..Basically when their "Starting Place Changes With Age"..Because..??.."The Images Are QUANTUM ENTANGLED WITH EPR"..("Do..Do..Do".."Looking Out My Back Door"..).. Now what I just described is an "AGING PHOTON".."THAT IS QUANTUM ENTANGLED"...The "Big Thing Is On An Aging Photon".."IT DID NOT SPLIT THE FRAME".."IT'S A STRAIGHT OUT OR EVEN CURVED SHOT".."BUT NOTHING GOT IN IT'S WAY".."THE WAS NO OBSTACLE IN THE PATH"..Q) So what happens when a "Photon Splits"..??..A) "A PHOTON OR ELECTRON OR NEUTRINO BASICALLY FREEZES WHAT EVER MEMORY IT HAS".."THEN TAKES ON A NEW REALITY"..You see "This Is Why Magnetic Signals Of Images Don't Age".."This Is Why Voice Recordings Don't Age Either"..As far as "COMPUTERS"..??.."THIS IS THE "STOP" PROPERTY THAT FREEZES INFORMANT OR DATA"..You could consider this "THE SIMILAR TWIN PARADOX"..And this is what "ANTONIO FROM CERN HIT"..Antonio basically hit "THE SIMILAR GOD PARTICLE".."THE SPEED OF THE ABSORPTION PROCESS OF THE UNIVERSE".. "+60 NANO SEC FASTER THAN LIGHT SEEMS WITHIN REASON"..This is "The Absorption Process That Keeps Your Magnet Stuck To Your Refrigerator".."BUT IN THE EYES OF THE UNIVERSE YOUR MAGNET"..??.."IS ACTUALLY FROZEN TO YOUR REFRIGERATOR DOOR"..This is the same absorption process that "Makes Glass Clear"..If there was "No Absorption Process To Glass"..??.."YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THROUGH GLASS".."THIS IS WHAT ABSORBS THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW IN GLASS AS FAST AS THE COLORS ARE CREATED".."THE COLORS WERE NEVER DESTROYED"..!!.."NOTHING IN THE UNIVERSE CAN BE DESTROYED"..!!..To put a "Clock Or Flash Light In A Black Hole".."YOU ARE ABSORBING TIME OR LIGHT AS FAST AS IT IS CREATED"..And to "Sum Up What Antonio Hit In One Word"..??..ANTONIO HIT "STOP"..Take care...Bye...

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